Sunday 12 July 2009

Hello death. Hello oblivion! July 2009

This end of term project by the ACTion English Monday group was inspired by an episode from the BBC TV series Absolutely Fabulous (Jennifer Saunders) in which Edina, an eccentric mother, can’t quite come to terms with her 40th birthday! The scene starts with her welcoming the great event saying "Hello death. Hello oblivion!" Could the day get any worse? Oh, yes..... !

As a group, we put our heads together and thought of other situations which get off to a bad start. Each sketch would begin with the same greeting but end something quite unexpected. The result was the series of humorous sketches including a wedding day jilt, a hospital hoax and rather unsuccessful audition for 'Have You Got Talent?'

You'll find the photos on the picassa site.

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